Wel­come to Camp Squankum

Camp Squankum is spon­sored by the Depart­ment of Parks and Recre­ation. It is a day camp that offers the youth of our town a mul­ti­tude of activ­i­ties includ­ing sports, swim­ming, clubs, arts and crafts, music, day trips, and much more. Our camp Head Coun­selors are Highly Qual­i­fied Teach­ers that are com­mit­ted to the camp’s phi­los­o­phy to offer an enriched and excit­ing pro­gram that encour­ages our campers to engage in new phys­i­cal and cre­ative activ­i­ties and to develop mean­ing­ful friendships. If the objec­tive for your child is to have a fun relax­ing sum­mer, to meet new friends, and to have new expe­ri­ences then Camp Squankum is the place for you. Come and find out why our kids can­not wait for the sum­mer to begin.


Anne Bracarello

Director, Camp Squankum

Brian Cope

Direc­tor, Parks and Recreation

To Reg­is­ter for Camp Squankum , click here