Camp is definitely going to function a little differently this summer. However, we are confident that we will still be able to deliver a safe and memorable experience for our campers. Please take the time to read through our COVID Plan.

Camp Squankum COVID Plan

The New Jersey Department of Health(NJDOH) has set forth protocols for the operations of youth summer camps during the pandemic. These protocols govern all aspects of camp operations and describe the steps each camp should take to lower the risk of COVID 19 exposure and spread. Given the dynamic nature of this pandemic, these protocols may change as the situation evolves and new data becomes available. Camp Squankum will maintain regular contact with staff and camp families with updates as they become available.


  • Group sizes will be limited to no more than 20 children with a minimum of 2 staff members
  • Campers will remain with their group and assigned staff members while moving through our daily camp rotations.
  • Mixing between groups will be prohibited.
  • A minimum of 6 feet will be kept between groups to promote social distancing.


  • Take and record your child’s temperature for 14 days prior to their start at camp.
  • Self-screen for the presence of the following symptoms: fever of 100.4oF or greater, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, nausea or vomiting, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, or congestion or runny nose within the past two weeks. It is important to keep children home if they show any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Daily – prior to admittance to camp, temperatures will be screened via a no touch forehead scanning thermometer for all campers and staff.
  • Persons that have a fever of 100.4oF or greater or other signs of COVID-19 illness will not be admitted to camp.
    1. Campers/staff with a fever of 100.4oF or greater will be sent home
    2. Campers will be quarantined while we call you to pick them up
  • Determining if, within the past two weeks, the camper has travelled nationally or internationally
  • Determining if the camper has been in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with, tested for, or quarantined as a result of COVID-19
  • If a camper tests positive for Covid-19, then the family must notify the camp.


  • At the beginning of camp, campers will be taught: how and when to effectively wash and sanitize hands, how to practice physical distancing in various settings, and when to wear face coverings.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout camp.
  • Handwashing breaks will be scheduled for between activities
  • Face coverings shall be worn by all campers in all indoor locations other than while eating
  • Face coverings are not required when the group is together, outside, and no other groups are present.
  • Staff shall always wear face coverings, unless alone in a private office/room, outdoors, or while eating.
  • Face coverings shall be worn by all campers and staff outdoors when at least 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained unless:
    1. Doing so would inhibit the individual’s health
    2. The individual is in extreme heat
    3. The individual is in the water
  • Campers should bring appropriate, reusable, cloth face coverings for their own personal use
  • Campers should wear one face covering, have a second one in a sealed plastic bag in their daily camp bag, and a third in their assigned locker, in case the first becomes wet or otherwise dirty during the day.
  • Face coverings should be identified by the camper’s name or initials on the inside
  • While wearing face coverings, campers and staff should avoid touching their face and the face covering as much as possible.


If a camper or staff member is staying home or sent home with the aforementioned symptoms, the individual can return to camp based on the New Jersey Department of Health exclusion criteria based on the level of COVID-10 transmission in our region (see NJDOH COVID-19 Weekly Activity Reports – ). These criteria do not apply to a symptomatic individual who is diagnosed with COVID-19 or has been identified as close contact of someone with COVID-19 or COVID-19 like symptoms.

  • Advise those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 to separate themselves, self-monitor for symptoms, and follow CDC guidelines if symptoms develop.
  • Confidentiality will be maintained. The name or any potentially identifying information of the confirmed or suspected case will only be shared with the campers’ parent/guardian and health authorities.
  • Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of a lab confirmed COVID-19 case for a prolonged period (15 minutes over a 24-hour period) and were within 6 feet or had direct contact with the infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case.
  • Close contacts will be required to quarantine based on the NJDOH exclusion criteria.
  • Camp parents and staff will be notified via email when someone in our camp is COVID-19 positive. This message will only identify which group/bunk is affected and that all close contacts within camp have been identified and are quarantining.


  • Immediately inform parents/guardians about any potential contact their children may have had with suspected or confirmed cases.
  • Immediately inform parents/guardians if their child is experiencing any symptoms
  • Complete contact tracing immediately to determine the potential or confirmed case’s contact with other campers or staff members over the previous week.
  • For campers and staff within the “group” of the index case, surveillance for symptoms will be enhanced and we will ensure continued separation of this group from the other camp groups. It may be necessary to require an exposed group to remain home until confirmation of diagnosis can be made, and if positive, remain home until the group is determined cleared of infectious risk.
  • We will follow the guidance of the NJDOH, the CDC, and our local and county health departments regarding exposure and lab confirmed COVID cases.


  • Communal spaces are cleaned and disinfected at a minimum of once per day.
  • Frequently touched surfaces are cleaned and disinfected multiple times per day.
  • Shared items are cleaned and disinfected between uses.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing guidelines as provided by the CDC will be strictly followed.