The CIT Pro­gram is an option for our upper lever campers. CITs spend half the day as a camper and the other half of the day with CIT duties which can include help­ing coun­selors to clean up after lunch, help­ing to set up activ­i­ties, help­ing to serve pizza, pret­zels, and water bot­tles, assist­ing younger campers by putting on their swim bands, etc…We do plan spe­cial events for the CITs that are sep­a­rate from our whole camp trips and activ­i­ties. Our CITs are also per­mit­ted to go to the Lake at Hos­pi­tal­ity Creek with parental per­mis­sion and under the super­vi­sion of their coun­selors. CITs are given a 35% dis­count off the stan­dard week cost of camp.

To be eli­gi­ble for our CIT Pro­gram, a camper must be enter­ing either 8th or 9th grade in the Fall, attend a min­i­mum of four weeks of camp, and com­plete the CIT Appli­ca­tion. Please keep in mind that there is a selec­tion process, and being in the cor­rect grade level does not guar­an­tee accep­tance into the pro­gram. Click below to apply for the CIT Program.

******DEADLINE for CIT APPLICATIONS  is MAY 25th, after that date the camper can still apply for the program but will not receive the CIT discount


Please NOTE This is a 2 Step process:

Step 1:

A Parent or Guardian needs to Register the CIT for the camp.

Step 2:

CIT’s fill out the CIT application


The CIT Application is available on the registration website to fill out!

Click Here to APPLY

For any questions please contact the Camp Squankum Office @ 856 728 9823 .

Thank you